Perspective 2: Yida's Difficulty Beyond Project Management

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Perspective 2: Yida's Difficulty Beyond Project Management por Mind Map: Perspective 2: Yida's Difficulty Beyond Project Management

1. 3) The key start up challenges Zhang faced

1.1. Lack of analysis at the front end

1.1.1. customer's current business context

1.1.2. customer needs analysis

1.2. Lack of Understanding

1.2.1. Who the client really is

1.2.2. What that client really needs

1.2.3. How to communicate with that client

1.3. Lack of Interpersonal skills (esp. interacting with customers)

2. 2) How the project should have been approached by the organizations (before the project manager was involved).

2.1. Never lose the race at the starting point.

3. 1) Main preexisting risks

3.1. separation of sales team from after sales etc