Jail Overcrowding

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Jail Overcrowding por Mind Map: Jail Overcrowding

1. What are important policies which contribute to this issue?

1.1. Source 3: "Drug related policies"

2. What factors impact prison overcrowding?

2.1. source cited

3. What are mandatory minimum sentences?

3.1. Source 4: Madatory sentencing

3.2. Source 5: FAMM overview

4. What causes prison overcrowding?

4.1. Source 1:"What is causing prison overcrowding"

4.2. Source 2: "Causes of overcrowding"

5. What is the construction of this problem?

5.1. Source 9: "It's Time to Address Prison Overcrowding"

5.2. Source 10: "GAO Report"

6. What options are available to legislature to manage prison population?

6.1. Source 6: "The Key to preventing crowding"

7. What affect does this have on inmates?

7.1. Source 7: "Inmates views researched"

8. What are the results of an overcrowding jail?

8.1. Source 8: "Prison overcrowding... Rising Costs"