War of the Worlds

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War of the Worlds por Mind Map: War of the Worlds

1. Earthlings were watched by more powerful intelligences

1.1. Aliens had much better technology

2. Humans were unprepared for this invasion

3. 'Intelligences greater than man's yet mortal as his own'

3.1. refers to the fact that the watchers were far superior in intelligence

3.1.1. Still mortal

3.1.2. They could be killed - refers to the end, where bacteria kill them

3.2. Mars was older than Earth, and so the creatures were superior in intelligence as evolution had a greater effect

4. Opening chapter

4.1. The shots and squirts

4.1.1. Indicate a war that is coming

5. Conflict between science and religion

5.1. Wells shows his belief in science more, as evolution is clearly a main factor