The History of Segregation and Slavery

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The History of Segregation and Slavery por Mind Map: The History of Segregation and Slavery

1. Slavery

1.1. Slavery is a system under which people are bought and sold, and are forced to work.

1.1.1. Goal 1

1.1.2. Goal 2

1.2. They have no rights.

1.2.1. Session Rule 1

1.2.2. Session Rule 2

1.3. Women are getting raped

1.4. silly conditions

1.5. Worked to death

2. Underground railroad

2.1. The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century black slaves in the United States to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause.

2.2. Harriet Tubman (born Araminta Harriet Ross; 1820 – March 10, 1913) was an African-American abolitionist, and the leader of the underground railroad.

3. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement.

3.1. Mississipi burning

3.1.1. disturbing Very voilent and brutal

3.1.2. KKK, NCAAP, Local PD - FBI, South state vs north state. NAACP = National association for the advancement of the colored people.

3.2. The Civil Rights Movement

3.2.1. Martin Luther King Jr.

3.2.2. Political movement against racism.

3.3. Martin Luther King Jr.

3.3.1. Freedom figther

3.3.2. Black man, got killed the 4. April 1968, he was 49 years old.

3.3.3. I have dream

3.4. We shall overcome

3.4.1. Protest song

3.4.2. key anthem of the African-American Civil Rights Movement


4.1. founded in 1909

4.2. Against racial discrimination

4.3. National association for the advancement of colored people

5. I Have A Dream Speech

5.1. Found place in Washington DC

5.2. He dreamt of a non violent World/USA

5.3. His speech was about how he wanted USA to be in the future and about blacks rights