Raspberry Pi

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Raspberry Pi por Mind Map: Raspberry Pi

1. MagPi

2. ipfire

3. snapdragon

4. Adafruit

5. rpiforum.net

6. PicoBord

7. Vnc

8. Spis Programów

9. Ciekawy blog

10. server.www

10.1. ph5 MySql

11. Hasła w systemie

12. Firefox Os

13. NetBSD

14. Plan9

15. PwnPi

16. openelec

17. Wheezy-Raspin

18. Wheezy-Armel Deban

19. Bodhi Linux

20. WebKiosk

21. OpenWrt

22. OpenWrt