Video Production Equipment

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Video Production Equipment por Mind Map: Video Production Equipment

1. Storage media- Storage on many electronic devices that holds memory.

2. Lights- lighting used to make the image appear more clear than on the camera.

3. Chroma Key- A technique for superimposing one video image onto another; most common chroma key colors are blue and green.

4. Firewire- High speed interface that connects external devices; commonly known as IEEE1394; 1394A for PCs' 1394B for Macs.

5. Power Source- Supplies power to a device.

6. Camera- A single unit that consisting of a video and a recording unit.

7. Tripod- A three-legged stand for mounting equipment; such as a camera.

8. USB- Universal serial bus; standard hardware interface for attaching peripherals to a computer.

9. Tripod Dolly- A mobile tripod or a moving platform for the camera; allows for smooth camera movement and tracking shots.