Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology

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Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology por Mind Map: Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology

1. STEP THREE:Individualized Education Program team- the process for selecting and implementing AT is done as a team based on all assessment results- once a type of device is recommended there may be a trial to see which one fits students needs best

1.1. Teacher

1.2. student

1.2.1. parents

1.2.2. could also include school nurse

1.3. AT specialist

1.3.1. Speech Language Pathologist

1.3.2. Rest of IEP team usually includes administrators, and any other service providers

2. STEP FOUR : Implementation of the Assistive Technology Device-once device is determined it must be purchased and implement there may be additional training needed for student and any care providers

2.1. special education teacher will help implement plan and AT inn the class room

2.2. Other teachers and related service providers will also participate in implementation of revised IEP with AT

2.3. Parents/caregivers will also need to understand and be able to support AT at home

3. References Beard, L. J. (2011). Assistive Technology: Access For All Students Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

4. STEP ONE: Referral for Assistive Technology In this step the following information is collected and organized. A decision to asses can be made based in the information collected and any concerns the family or team may have

4.1. Student data or personal information

4.2. Medical data for vital concerns

4.2.1. Task 1

4.2.2. Task 2

4.3. Vision and hearing reports

4.3.1. Call 1

4.3.2. Call 2

4.4. Information about any technology or equipment currently in use

4.4.1. Meeting 1

4.4.2. Meeting 2

4.5. Background information regarding any related services provided previously for the student

5. STEP TWO: Conducting an Assistive Technology Assessment- once all assessments are completed the results are put together

5.1. Direct Observation- in this step skills and abilities are observed in the appropriate environments. All observation is documented so that it may be referred to later to make a decision about any necessary changes

5.1.1. Skills observed include; Cognitive,Sensory,Motor, communication and Social Skills

5.1.2. Any AT devices currently used are also observed

5.2. INTERVIEWS- during this part of the assessment information is gathered from people involved or familiar with the student such as; family,teachers,pediatrician,and student themselves this information gives the opportunity to express experiences, interests even concerns

5.3. Formal Assessment-this step "involves selected activities in predetermined environments "( Beard,L.2011).

5.3.1. Assessment must be matched to; student's age cognitive level,any behavior issues, social skills and experiences