Nine Elements Of Digital Citizenship

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Nine Elements Of Digital Citizenship por Mind Map: Nine Elements Of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Access

1.1. Full electronic participation in society.

1.2. Jerry created a fake online account to prey on children.

1.3. Mary has a Facebook to keep in touch with friends

2. Digital Commerce

2.1. Buying and selling of goods online

2.2. Jerry sells fake products under a fake identity

2.3. Mary buys a gift for a friend with PayPal

3. Digital Communication

3.1. The electronic exchange of information

3.2. Jerry texted a picture of the test essays to a friend

3.3. Mary sends an email to your teacher requesting help

4. Digital Etiquette

4.1. The standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

4.2. Jerry writes hurtful messages to others

4.3. Mary tells a long distance friend happy birthday through an email

5. Digital Law

5.1. Chad downloaded over 1000 songs on limewire illegaly

5.2. the legal rights and restrictions governing technology use

5.3. Tyler legaly purchased songs off of Itunes

6. Digital Rights and Responsibilities

6.1. The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them

6.2. Tyler went to the beach for vacation and received a wifi password for the room, he uses the internet responsibly

6.3. Chad uses his neighbors Wi-Fi without their knowledge and frequently downloads large files

7. Digital Health and Wellness

7.1. Tyler participated in a 9 hour online gaming competition, he never went outside or took a break

7.2. The elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use

7.3. Chad finished his paper in 2 hours, in the 2 hours he took several breaks for his eyes and went outside for fresh air

8. Digital Security

8.1. Chad bought a new computer and uploaded an anti-virus to keep out viruses

8.2. The precautions that all technology users must take to guazrentee their personal safety and the security of their network

8.3. Tyler buys a new computer and never downloads an anti-virus

9. Digital Literacy

9.1. The capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it

9.2. Tyler creates a new sign in for the computer. He puts a secure password on it so no one can get in

9.3. Chad loggs onto his social networking websites and never logs off, someone comes in and hacks his account