HairShow (my Model)

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HairShow (my Model) por Mind Map: HairShow (my Model)

1. The outfit for the half boy and half girl would be half shorts and half leggings. For the top it would be half blue top and half v-neck.High tops and flats for the shoes and runners for the guy side. he will have earring and a bracelet and maybe a ring.

2. Hair

2.1. my hair style would be done up but half is girly and the other half is spiked up for a boy.For the girly side i would half to get a wig and cut it in half and bobby pin it in and curl it. for the color of the wig i would like it to match his hair color witch is a dark dark brown. and i will have a clip on earring for him as well

3. Makeup

3.1. my makeup for my other theme would be half of it would be really girly,simple, i need make up, mascara, eye shadow, (natural pinky brown color). blush( nice rose pink),a foundation that will match his skin. black eyeliner. For the guy half he would have no make up on.

4. Nails

4.1. Meetings

4.1.1. for the two face girl side i will do simple nails with a blue i would like a frosty sapphire blue, a shimmering deep twilight blue, or an indulgent bright blue they are all by essie any of thoses colors will work..(i just need one of them) and then a nice clear coat on top,dont matter what kinda it is and then guy half will half nothing on his nails.

4.1.2. Meeting 2

5. Fashion

6. Themes

6.1. My theme is the look on a guy and another one would be two faced half boy, half girl.