Erika's Story

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Erika's Story por Mind Map: Erika's Story

1. Character bookmark 7

1.1. Erika's personality allowed to be comforted by her husband who keeps her spirits up. Erika narrarates the book. She choose it to show the first person feel. 1. Erika 2. The mother3. The husband 4. The parents. No I would not have done anything differently.

2. Theme bookmark 33

2.1. Yes Erika went through a parent and lifestyle change. Yes Erika is stronger on the inside. No because there is one main character.

3. Personal thoughts and reaction.

3.1. I thought the book was a short example of many cases of children during the Holocaust.

4. One or Two Important statements.

4.1. One, Today my tree once again has roots.

4.1.1. My star still shines.

5. Key words and phrases

5.1. Got on Train. Realize death. Throw baby off. Taken in by women. Grows up has kids. Realizes family.

6. Important symbols and meaning.

6.1. The Jewish Star. It symbolizing her as a Jew.