Hour 7 Cephalopod

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Hour 7 Cephalopod por Mind Map: Hour 7 Cephalopod

1. The name cephalopod means 'head-footed'. It is an apt name, as the head is large and surrounded by eight or more tentacles; these tentacles have evolved from the anterior part of the molluscan foot. All cephalopods are active predators, catching prey with their tentacles and then using their strong central mouth which has a parrot-like beak for biting. Movement is in the form of a jet propulsion system that expels water through a funnel called the hyponome; this is another highly modified part of the foot.

2. Digestion/Feeding/Excretion

3. Anatomy

3.1. Like other molluscs cephalopods have got a radula or rasp tongue to rasp their food to pieces. In addition to that they also have a beak made out of horn, like that of a parrot, with which the prey is cut to pieces before being swallowed. The beak can also serve to crack open the prey's armour, as many cephalopods' favourite food are crustaceans

4. Reproduction/Life Cycle

4.1. Shawna Laffe

4.2. For reproduction the male squid produces a special arm called a hectocotylus. With that he transfers a sperm packet to the female's pallial cavity.The female later lays a number of eggs, out of which the small squid larvae hatch. More highly developed cephalopods, such as octopuses, guard their eggs. They clean them, provide them with fresh water and defend them against enemies. The female octopus does not eat as long a she guards the eggs. Often she dies after her offspring's hatching, because she is too weak to defend herself against her enemies.

5. Circulation

5.1. Cephalopods have a closed circulatory system. They have 3 hearts, two of which pump blood to its gills.

6. Cephalopods have highly developed eyes with a few exceptions, the common octopus can distinguish the the size shape brightness and orientation of the objects , they are also sensitive to polarized light. Despite the advanced nature of their vision most cephalopods are color blind which would put them at odds with the color changing pigments for they are famous, this is made possible by matching the pattern and brightness of the pigments to the background they see. Outside of these features they use their arms for touch and can hear using statocysts.

6.1. All Cephalopod's use gills to breathe. They breathe through their mantle cavity and take air away from the water into the cavity which helps them move. The gills are very large so there can obtain a lot of oxygen at once. They separate dissolved oxygen from the water and some absorb oxygen through they're skin like the Nautilus.

7. MoVeMeNt

7.1. BrYcE ArfsTrOm

7.2. All Cephalopod move by Jet propulsion. They do this my taking water into their mantle cavity, then shooting it out to push them forward.

7.3. Octocpi also crawl on the ocean floor to avoid predators

8. Respiration

9. Senses/Response