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WHAT por Mind Map: WHAT

1. Keep it simple

1.1. English

1.2. Google translate

1.3. Single Source

2. Able to push/find information instead of need to search

3. Support Virtual Teams

3.1. Contractors

3.2. Customers

3.3. Suppliers

4. Social vs personal

4.1. Friends & Family

4.2. Personalize

4.3. Where is the border of sharing rights?

5. Work

5.1. Anywhere

5.2. With anybody

5.3. At anytime

5.4. With any device

6. More interesting content

6.1. Rich video content

6.2. Less words

6.3. Appealing

6.4. Adding Value

7. External parties?

7.1. Security

8. Find Colleagues

8.1. Picturebook