NBIMS-US Activities

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NBIMS-US Activities por Mind Map: NBIMS-US Activities

1. Organize US BIM Standards Summit

2. Complete NBIMS-US Ver 4 Ballot Drafts from Workgroups and PLC Reveiw of Drafts

2.1. Core BIM

2.1.1. Standard Status - Voted on by Workgroup

2.1.2. Guideline SPC 224 Analysis / Report Define how Core BIM meets ISO 19650 (Detail)

2.2. BEP

2.2.1. Standard Status - Workgroup vote very soon

2.2.2. Template Status - Workgroup vote very soon

2.2.3. Guideline Define how BEP aligns with ISO 19650 (Detail)

2.2.4. Information Exchange

2.3. BIM Uses

2.3.1. Standard

2.3.2. Guideline

2.4. COBie

2.4.1. Standard

2.4.2. Guideline

2.4.3. Data Schemas (IFC, SpreadsheetML, JSON)

2.5. Information Standards

2.5.1. Guideline

3. Complete Publication Strategy

3.1. Develop Site for Public & Project Committee Comment

3.2. Content

3.2.1. Guideline structure and template(?)

3.3. Format

3.3.1. Develop template

4. Technical Editing of Ballots and Website Content

5. Initiate Version 5 Workgroups

5.1. Building Product Data Workgroup

5.2. Identify other NBIMS V5 Content Workgroups

6. NBIMS-US Introduction Module

6.1. Alignment with ISO 19650 (Summary)

7. NBIMS-US Terms & Definitions Module

8. NBIMS-US Presentation Content

9. Develop Communication for V4

9.1. Initial public comment

9.2. Final release