my favourite singer my favourite band

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my favourite singer my favourite band por Mind Map: my favourite singer my favourite band

1. search the internet for

1.1. texts

1.1.1. artist's web page

1.1.2. fan pages

1.2. photos

1.3. videos

2. make up a portrait

2.1. name

2.2. star name

2.3. bio

2.3.1. born in year place

2.3.2. lives in

2.3.3. has formed / released / won

2.4. songs/albums

3. Why do you like this artist?

3.1. musical style

3.2. voice

3.3. looks

3.3.1. handsome

3.3.2. pretty

4. sources

4.1. mention the sources:

4.1.1. internet

4.1.2. CDs

4.1.3. magazines