Abortion Clinic

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Abortion Clinic por Mind Map: Abortion Clinic

1. Pro-Life

1.1. Claims that abortion represents

1.1.1. intrusion of secularism

1.1.2. narcissism

1.1.3. materialism

1.1.4. reshaping of women into structural men

1.2. Women born in the 1920's

1.2.1. Most active in pro-life work in the early 1970's

1.3. Women born in the 1950's

1.3.1. Made up of women who had worked prior to having children

1.3.2. Left wage labor when they became mothers

1.3.3. Claims to have been or even be feminist in many respects

1.3.4. Many women of this group decided to move out of the paid work force to stay home and raise children

2. Pro-Choice

2.1. Women born in the 1940's

2.1.1. Most had reached adulthood in the late 1960's and early 1970's

2.1.2. Social movements of that period (particularly the second wave of feminism) was a central experience for nearly all of them

2.1.3. They describe their encounter with these movements as a kind of awakening or passage from a world defined by motherhood into one seen as filled with broader possibilities

2.1.4. Feminism offered new sources with which to understand and frame their lives It provided an analysis, a community of others, and a means for engaging in social change that legitimated their own experience

3. Controversy over the clinic

3.1. Struggle over abortion rights

3.2. Does not indicate two fixed and irreconcilable positions

3.3. New arenas for innovation

4. Opposing movements of abortion

4.1. Biological factors

4.1.1. The trajectory of a woman's sexual and reproductive experiences over her life course

4.1.2. Her interpretation of those events

4.2. Fresh contact

4.2.1. Change of relationship

4.2.2. Novel approach