R511 Wk 3 Guest Speaker Dr. Cheryl Murphy & Instructional Design Models

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R511 Wk 3 Guest Speaker Dr. Cheryl Murphy & Instructional Design Models por Mind Map: R511 Wk 3 Guest Speaker Dr. Cheryl Murphy & Instructional Design Models

1. 2U Presentation and Article in Dropbox > R511 Spring 2023 > R511 Guest Pics, Slides, Bios, and Resources https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/29c2gjif9kfkrntqmcxqt/h?dl=0&rlkey=ijboeod096z3c4bk8rwnonl4a

1.1. 2U Learning Framework

1.1.1. Feel

1.1.2. Do

1.1.3. Think

1.2. Delivery

1.2.1. Synch

1.2.2. Asynch

1.2.3. Hybrid

2. Dr. Cheryl Murphy Bio & Background

2.1. Peer reviewer (HLC training)

2.2. Admin

2.3. A runner

2.4. Biggest personal challenge

2.4.1. Helping those that can't easily gain access to higher ed learning resources

3. Conferences & Orgs

3.1. https://conferences.upcea.edu/DTL-SOLAR2023/

3.2. https://upcea.edu

4. Jamboard Questions

4.1. https://jamboard.google.com/d/1sU5qHulHw_6ayinkAk7db250UY1iD14pw_ZAb9f1_XE/viewer?f=0

5. ID Trends from Dr. Murphy

5.1. Blended Learning Trends

5.1.1. Pandemic Initiated Increased Interest

5.1.2. A general desire to keep many pandemic practices

5.2. Major focus in Upskilling and Reskilling

5.2.1. Durable skills

5.3. Classes for corporate (non-credit) vs. higher ed (for credit)

5.3.1. Start with learning outcomes

5.3.2. Who are the learners?

5.4. Is higher ed worth the cost?

5.4.1. How can micro-credentials help answer this.

5.4.2. Institutions need to meet learners where they are in life Structure for a start stop and start again degree/certification track Infrastructure to support non-traditional (those who cant stop life for the 4 year undergrad experience)

6. 60 Year Curriculum to address upskill and reskilling needs

6.1. https://www.continuum.uw.edu/