Solar Energy

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Solar Energy por Mind Map: Solar Energy

1. Types of Solar Energy

1.1. Passive Solar Heating

1.1.1. no fans or props to move energy

1.1.2. High-R insulation windows

1.1.3. energy storage slowly released through building

1.2. Active Solar Heating

1.2.1. uses pumps or fans to move energy

1.2.2. capture and distribute solar energy

2. Pros

2.1. renewable and abundant

2.2. small CO2 release

2.3. can concentrate in sun intense areas

2.4. easy to produce

3. Cons

3.1. expensive startup costs

3.2. sun isn't constant

3.3. takes up a lot of space

3.4. high water usage

4. How Solar Energy Works

4.1. fusion within Sun's core

4.2. Hydrogen --> Helium = Energy

4.3. Sun radiates off energy towards Earth

4.4. Renewable and abundant source of energy