Goldstein Chapter 6 & 7

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Goldstein Chapter 6 & 7 por Mind Map: Goldstein Chapter 6 & 7

1. Chapter7

1.1. In order to understand the details of suffering you have to understand the use of humor

1.2. A story about the robbery and rape that happened in Glorias life is told with a in a way that provided a way for sexual violence and female victimization to be death with through humor.

1.3. Legal: Difficult for younger woman who were not virgins or in stable relationships with a man to meet a standard or being honest in a case of rape.

1.4. What is so funny about rape?: Humor can only be understood in its place, based on class, gender, and sexuality.

2. Chapter 6

2.1. Sexuality in the context of local culture//Peter Fry- male homosexuality consisted of 2 types in Brazil (upper class and lower class model

2.2. Brazilian sexuality more concerned with buttocks than with breasts//jokes are commonly sexual //metaphors about food and eating often express ideas about sexuality (woman are seen to be "consumed", men do the "consuming"

2.3. Woman who are seen to have too many sexual partners are called galinhas or piranhas//if men do not cooperate with woman than they will be deprived of sex

2.4. From boys to men: Boys are encouraged to be active seducers. Boys are seen to "need" sex while girls are wanted to be kept virgins

2.4.1. Chapter ends with interviews about adolescent rape and "potential" abusers. The woman see the men for what they do and it is common for sexual encounters like abuse and rape to be somewhat expected from men. For example, "this is how men are"