Mindjet 11 Current Version 2013

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Mindjet 11 Current Version 2013 por Mind Map: Mindjet 11 Current Version 2013

1. Browser

1.1. Strengths

1.2. Weaknesses

2. iPad

2.1. Strengths

2.2. Weaknesses

3. iPhone

3.1. Strengths

3.2. Weaknesses

4. Android

4.1. Strengths

4.2. Weaknesses

5. Back to the other applications

6. Weaknesses

7. Windows

7.1. Strengths

7.1.1. kjhkjh

7.1.2. jkkkk

7.1.3. kljlkj

8. Mac

8.1. Strengths

8.2. Weaknesses

9. Please add your opinions