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iHCM PACE por Mind Map: iHCM PACE

1. Cost Reduction(DB)

1.1. Value Analysis

1.1.1. Identification of Objects

1.1.2. Assess the benefits

1.2. Tool Development

1.3. Execution

2. Diurnal Tests

2.1. Plan and Design Tests

2.2. Execute

2.3. Automation

2.4. Analyze, Report

3. Performance scenarios selection criteria

3.1. Business critical scenarios

3.2. Mostly accessed scenarios

3.3. Stakeholders concern

4. Types

4.1. Load Testing

4.1.1. Application server(s) or software

4.1.2. Database server(s)

4.1.3. Client-side processing

4.1.4. Load balancing between multiple servers

4.2. Isolation testing

5. Baseline

6. MDMT Resilience

6.1. Automate CDC Enable / Disable

6.2. Parallel Execution MDMT

6.3. Parallel Execution CMD Tool

6.4. Retry Feature

6.5. Pre / Post Deploy Scripts Optimization

7. Common Metadata

7.1. Deployer Changes

7.2. MDMT Changes

7.3. Patch Changes

7.4. SQL Packages Split

7.5. CMD DB Migration

7.6. Perfromance Assessment

8. Capacity Planning

8.1. VM Scalability

8.2. Architecture Evaluations

8.3. Roll Out

9. Core Activities

9.1. Identify Acceptance Criteria

9.2. Plan and Design Tests

9.3. Configure Environment

9.4. Implement Design

9.5. Execute

9.6. Analyze, Report

9.6.1. Tuning (DB server side)