Computer in Everyday Life Chapter 5 Input

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Computer in Everyday Life Chapter 5 Input por Mind Map: Computer in Everyday Life Chapter 5 Input

1. Pointing Devices

1.1. Mouse

1.1.1. Fit to hand

1.1.2. Click, Double Click,Drag etc.

1.1.3. Wire,Wireless

1.2. TrackBall

1.3. TouchPad

1.4. Pointing Stick

1.5. TouchScreen

1.5.1. is a touch‐sensitive display device

1.6. PenInput

2. Game Controllers

2.1. GamePad

2.2. Joystick

2.3. LightGun

2.4. Dance Pad

2.5. Motion sensing

3. DigitalCamera

3.1. Webcam

3.2. DigitalCamera

4. Scanner and Reading Devices

4.1. Flatbed Scanner

4.2. Barcode Reader

4.3. RFID

4.4. Magnetic Stripe Card reader

5. Biometric Input

5.1. FingerPrint reader

5.2. Face Recognition

5.3. Voice verification

5.4. Ratina Scanner

5.5. Signature Verify

6. Keyboard

6.1. 101-105 keys

6.2. Function Key Ctrl Alt

6.3. Input data

6.4. Port

6.4.1. Usb

6.4.2. PS/2

6.4.3. Bluetooth

7. Input For Smartphone

7.1. Headphone

7.2. Pen

7.3. Mini Keypad

8. Voice input

8.1. AudioInput

9. Video input

9.1. VideoCamera

9.2. Webcam