Arnold Newman Photo

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Arnold Newman Photo por Mind Map: Arnold Newman  Photo

1. Could be advations, sellin the piano

2. Layers

3. Tone

4. Foucus

4.1. Choosing what you want to focus on

5. Feelings

5.1. dark

5.2. bored

5.3. colum

6. History

6.1. 1946

7. Shuter spead

8. Deaps of the filled

8.1. What are the deaps of the filled?

9. Time

10. The pianos a ciloet

11. A man lining on a piano

12. Could be a shadow?

13. Man lookin straight at us

14. Black and white picture

15. Relationship with the photograper

16. Shape

16.1. Sharpe eages

16.2. Conection by the man in the picture

17. Bold

18. Seperation

19. Light

19.1. How big the hole is.

19.2. How long you leave it open for.

20. Apert