My Somophore Portfolio

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My Somophore Portfolio por Mind Map: My Somophore Portfolio

1. Conclusion Essay

2. Introduction Essay

3. ELA Standard 1 Key Ideas and Details

3.1. SWLO's

3.2. Reflection

4. ELA Standard 2 Craft and Structure

4.1. The Devil's Arithmetic

4.2. SWLO's

4.3. Reflection

5. ELA Standard 3 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

5.1. Critical Friends 2

5.2. SWLO's

5.3. Reflection

6. ELA Standard 4 Range of Reading and Level of Test Complexity

6.1. NightJohn

6.2. SWLO's

6.3. Reflection

7. ELA Standard 5 Text Type and Purposes

7.1. Military Service

7.2. SWLO's

7.3. Reflection

8. ELA Standard 6 Product and Distribution of Writing

8.1. ECA Practice 10

8.2. SWLO's

8.3. Reflection

9. ELA Standard 7 Research to Build and Present Knowledge

9.1. BenchMark Three Reflection Journal

9.2. SWLO's

9.3. Reflection

10. ELA Standard 8 Range of Writing

10.1. Virtual Students

10.2. SWLO's

10.3. Reflection

11. ELA Standard 9 Comprehension and Collaboration

11.1. This Video Blew Me Away

11.2. SWLO's

11.3. Reflection

12. ELA Standard 10 Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

12.1. Sports SWLO's

12.2. SWLO's

12.3. Reflection

13. English Language Arts Standards

14. My Freshman Portfolio

15. SS 1.2

15.1. SWLO's

15.2. Reflection

16. Personal Page

17. Sociology Standards

18. SS 8.8

18.1. SWLO's

18.2. Reflection

19. SS 4.1, 6.3 , 3.1

19.1. SWLO's

19.2. Reflection

20. SS 7.4 , 7.6 , 7.8

20.1. Deviance Solution in Calumet Township

20.2. SWLO's

20.3. Reflection

21. SS 4.3

21.1. SWLO's

21.2. Reflection

22. SS 2.1 , 2.3

22.1. Group Characteristics Chart

22.2. SWLO's

22.3. Reflection

23. Growth as a Reader and a Writer