Theory of Knowledge

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Theory of Knowledge por Mind Map: Theory of Knowledge

1. The Knower

1.1. What TOK is not

1.1.1. A potato has skin, I have skin therefore I am a potato

1.2. Knowledge questions

1.2.1. How is knowledge formed in our tiny brains?

1.3. Introversion - Susan Cain link to TED Talk

1.3.1. Group Think

1.3.2. What society expects of introverts

1.3.3. What the class expects of introverts

1.4. How do you know this is beautiful?

1.4.1. ? You may not explain away something by calling a set of knowledge beliefs "insane'?

1.4.2. ? I wanna love you tender video

1.5. Ralph Waldo Emerson

1.5.1. You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, nor look through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in books, You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me, You shall listen to all sides and filter them from your self…

1.5.2. Not I, not any one else can travel that road for you, You must travel it for yourself.

1.5.3. It is not far, it is within reach, Perhaps you have been on it since you were born and did not know…

1.6. TED Talk - Sir Ken Robbinson

1.6.1. How do we know the best way to educate?

1.6.2. How do we know ADD is an epidemic?

1.6.3. How do we know that teaching according to age is the best for everyone?

1.7. TED Talk - Sir Ken Robbinson

1.8. Examples of the Diagram (student work)

1.8.1. . . .

2. Sense Perception

3. Reason

4. Language

5. Emotion

6. Presentations

7. Thinking, Fast and Slow

7.1. System One

7.1.1. What do cows drink? Automatic, non-thinking, most of how we run our daily lives

7.2. System Two

7.2.1. Contemplative