Referral & Assessment for Assistive Technology

EDU620- Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology

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Referral & Assessment for Assistive Technology por Mind Map: Referral & Assessment for Assistive Technology

1. Step 1: Referral for AT assessment

1.1. Collect student data & Personal information

1.2. Medical data for vital concerns

1.3. Hearing and Vision reports

1.4. Information about current technology/equipment used

1.5. Background information regarding any related services previously provided

2. Step 3: IEP Team

2.1. Makes their decisions based upon the report given by the AT specialist and in light of information found in the individual's IEP

2.2. Trains the individual and those working with the individual

2.3. May consider AT device trials

2.4. Collect data during the training program to determine how the AT device matches the individuals needs

3. Step 2: Conducting the AT assessment

3.1. Direct observation of students abilities and skills such as: cognitive skills, sensory skills, motor skills, communication skills, and social skills

3.2. Interviews with: the individual, family, teachers, and specialists

3.3. Useful information may be gained such as: family concerns/expectations, perceived needs and abilities of the individual, academic expectations, diagnostic information, and medical information.

3.4. Formal assessments in predetermined environments

3.5. Matching the assessment to the individual with regard to age, experiences, cognitive level, behavioral issues, and social skills

4. Step 4: Implementation of AT device

4.1. Purchasing the AT device

4.2. Additional training if necessary

4.3. Assessment of the individual and the AT device

4.4. Address changes, concerns, and issues after several assessments have been made to ensure that the individual is meeting their goals