Portfolio !

Track and organize your meetings within your company

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
Portfolio ! por Mind Map: Portfolio !

1. Everyone's a Critic

1.1. Standards; SS 1.2 & SS 1.10

1.1.1. High Priority

1.1.2. Medium Priority

1.1.3. Low Priority

1.2. Reflection

1.2.1. Flags

1.2.2. Icons

1.3. Artifact

1.4. SWLOs ; Collaboration, Work ethic, Content, communication

2. New Tech Way of Life

2.1. Reflection

2.2. Standards; SS 1.2

2.3. SWLOs ; Communication, Collaboration, Work ethic

2.4. Aritfact

3. Culture and You

3.1. SWLO's ; Work Ethic

3.2. Reflection

3.3. Standards; SS 2.1 & SS 2.3

3.4. Artifact 1

3.5. Artifact 2

4. Growth as a Writer

4.1. Artifact

5. Conclusion

6. Introduction

7. My Personal Page

8. Never Forget

8.1. Standards; SS 8.8

8.2. Work ethic, Creative problem, solving content

8.3. Reflection

8.4. Artifact

9. Deviance Does

9.1. Standards; SS 7.4 & SS 6.3 & SS 3.1

9.2. SWLO's

9.2.1. Work ethic, Content

9.2.2. Creative problem solving

9.3. Reflection

9.3.1. Content

9.3.2. John and Jane call partners

9.4. Artifact

10. Norms, What's Their Function

10.1. Standards; SS 4.3

10.2. Reflection

10.3. SWLOs ; Collaboration, Communication, Work ethic, Content

10.4. Artifact

11. Growth as a Reader

11.1. Artifact