Sophomore Portfolio

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Sophomore Portfolio por Mind Map: Sophomore Portfolio

1. New Tech Way Of Life

1.1. Reflection

1.2. Standards

1.3. Artifact

2. Deviance Does?

2.1. Reflection

2.2. Artifact

3. Never Forget

3.1. Reflection

3.2. Artifact

4. The Conclusion!

5. Growth as Writer

5.1. This Year

5.2. Last Year

6. Growth as Writer

7. "Who Am I?" Project

7.1. Reflection

7.2. Artifact

8. Norms: What's Their Purpose?

8.1. Reflection

8.2. Standards

8.3. Arifact

9. Everyone's a Critic

9.1. Reflection

9.2. Standards

9.3. Artifact

10. Growth as Reader