The Mazda Campaign

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The Mazda Campaign por Mind Map: The Mazda Campaign

1. Dec. 1

1.1. Pitch the completed Mazda Campaign.

2. Nov. 3

2.1. Write a Twitter pitch for Mazda campaign.

3. Nov. 26

3.1. Submit the article about Mazda to local newspapers and metro areas.

4. Nov. 13

4.1. Advertise the affordable prices that 18-24 yr. olds and parents will look at.

4.2. Tweet about the affordable prices.

5. Nov. 20

5.1. Write a press release.

5.2. Write article to submit to newspapers.

6. Sept. 10

6.1. Research who is buying what Mazda cars.

7. Oct. 23

7.1. Research what people are saying about Mazda on Twitter.

7.2. Do more research on Web.

7.3. Write down key points from research to prepare a pitch.

8. Sept. 17

8.1. Research car buying habits of parents.

8.2. Research car buying habits of 18-24 year olds.

8.3. Research how mazda advertised in the past years.

9. Oct. 1

9.1. Promote Mazda on Facebook.

10. Oct. 10

10.1. Create a bulletin for Mazda on Myspace.