Diabetes Mellitus

Project Control, Project Closing, Timeline template

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Diabetes Mellitus por Mind Map: Diabetes Mellitus

1. Types

1.1. Type 1

1.1.1. insulin-dependent most common cause of death is kidney failure

1.1.2. juvenile-onset

1.2. Type 2

1.2.1. non-insulin dependent most common cause of death is heart failure stemming from coronary artery disease

1.2.2. adult onset

2. Pathogenesis

2.1. cells cannot absorb glucose

2.1.1. Establish checkpoints

2.1.2. Acquire team resources for stage

2.1.3. Conduct stage kick-off meeting

2.2. victims look severe famine

2.2.1. Determine Frequency of Meetings

2.2.2. Schedule Meetings

2.2.3. Brief Project Board

2.2.4. Prepare Meetings

2.2.5. Conduct Meetings

2.2.6. Follow-up Meeting

2.3. breath smells like rotten apples

2.3.1. Schedule Quality Review Meeting

2.3.2. Prepare for Quality Review Meeting

2.3.3. Conduct Quality Review Meeting

2.3.4. Follow-up Quality Review Meeting

2.4. barely able to lift head

2.4.1. Update Project Schedule

2.4.2. Update Budget / Costs

2.4.3. Conduct Team Status Review

2.4.4. Create Status Report

2.5. abdominal pain

2.5.1. Request Changes

2.5.2. Identify Alternative Solutions

2.5.3. Conduct Steering Committee Meeting

2.5.4. Document Change Responses

2.5.5. Implement Change(s)

2.6. vomiting

2.6.1. Identify Project Issues

2.6.2. Assess Impact of Issues

2.6.3. Assign Resources

2.6.4. Resolve Issue

2.7. irregular heartbeat

2.7.1. Determine Next Stage Tasks

2.7.2. Determine Task Dependencies

2.7.3. Estimate Effort

2.7.4. Allocate Resources

2.7.5. Prepare Next Stage Schedule

2.7.6. Prepare Next Stage Budget

2.7.7. Update Project Schedule

2.7.8. Update Project Budget

2.7.9. Review Business Case

2.7.10. Review Project Organization

2.7.11. Review Project Scope

2.7.12. Prepare Stage Assessment

2.7.13. Review Stage Assessment

2.7.14. Follow-Up Stage Assessment

2.7.15. Compile Stage Closure Report

2.8. erectile dysfunction

2.9. poor healing of skin wounds

3. Treatments

3.1. Insulin

3.1.1. injections

3.1.2. inhaler

3.2. Weight Loss program

3.2.1. diet

3.2.2. exercise

3.3. Oral medications

3.3.1. Prepare Project Review

3.3.2. Conduct Project Review

3.3.3. Implement Process Improvement