The technological process

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The technological process por Mind Map: The technological process

1. What is technology?

1.1. Technology is all that humans create for satisfy our needs or problems.

2. Steps of the technological process

2.1. 1.Need:We have a problem to sort out.

2.2. 2.Idea:We propose ideas and we choose the best of them for solve the idea.

2.3. 3.Development of idea:Are all the materials ,instructions and steps we need to filow to create the solution

2.4. 4.Construct:We construct the solution

2.5. 5.Verification:We find out that the solution repare the problem

3. Types of signals

3.1. Obligation

3.2. Forbidden

3.3. Warning

3.4. Emergency

4. Technology in enviroment

4.1. There are a lot of enviroment problems because our consume like:

4.2. Depletion of natural resources

4.3. Deforestation: Millions of trees are cut each year in order to make paper

4.4. Animal extinction: Some species are disappearing because of massive hunting, deforestation, pollution or climate change

4.5. Exhaustion of fossil fuels, like carbon, gas or petroleum

4.6. Air, water and soil pollution: Air pollution: Urban smog caused by traffic and industries. Water pollution: Residual water Soil pollution: Landfills

4.7. Climate change due to the Greenhouse effect: Earth's average temperature is rising because of the emission of CO2 and other gasses that trap sun radiation

4.8. Ozone layer is destroyed by some gasses used in refrigeration. This layer protects us against harmful solar radiations

4.9. Desertification: global changes in weather and deforestation make desserts bigger