Book ``Seriously...I'm Kidding" by Ellen Degeneres

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Book ``Seriously...I'm Kidding" by Ellen Degeneres por Mind Map: Book ``Seriously...I'm Kidding" by Ellen Degeneres

1. Ellen loves Animals

1.1. Ellen's pets: 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 horses

2. Ellen on prejudice: Ellen does not like prejudice, she does not like when people are labeled

2.1. She tells a story that somebody thought she must be lesbian because she had three cats

3. Ellen on Courtesy

3.1. Ellen thinks that people and not as corteous as they should be; Ellen thinks that people should show more respect for one another

4. Ellen works a lot

4.1. There is a chapter in the book called "I am not lazy" where she explains how much she works

5. Ellen on gift giving

5.1. A chapter with funny advise on gift giving

6. Summary: A funny book, good reading

7. Ellen as talk-show host

7.1. listening to people

7.2. being ready every day

7.3. demanding job, but she likes it

8. Ellen on season 9 of American Idol

8.1. she likes music

8.2. she thought that Idol would be fun

8.3. Idol is broadcast live - no flexibility with the times

8.4. she did not like telling people that they are not good

9. Ellen on Children

9.1. She and Portia do not plan to have children (at least that is their current opinion)

9.2. She loves her nephew Eva

10. Ellen's advise on becoming a billionaire

10.1. 1. Make a lot of money 2. Don't spend it

11. Ellen on dreams

11.1. Ellen is fascinated by dreams people have when they sleep