Digital Games and Learning

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Digital Games and Learning por Mind Map: Digital Games and Learning

1. Genres

1.1. Action

1.2. Adventure

1.3. Puzzles

1.4. Strategy & Simulations

1.5. Role playing

1.6. Racing

1.7. Sports

1.8. First person shooter

2. Educational Games

2.1. Good design is essential

2.2. Areas of Study

2.2.1. History

2.2.2. Languages

2.2.3. Math

2.2.4. Science

2.2.5. Physical Education

2.3. Not always successful

2.4. Content

2.5. Playability

2.6. Affordances

2.6.1. Signs

2.6.2. Discernable

2.6.3. Integration

2.6.4. Exploratory

2.6.5. Performatory

3. Assemblage

3.1. Actors

3.2. Practices

3.3. Hardware

3.4. Software

3.5. Community

3.6. Environment

3.7. Culture

4. Types

4.1. Agon

4.1.1. Competition

4.2. Alea

4.2.1. Chance/Random

4.3. Ilinx

4.3.1. Movement

4.4. Mimicry

4.4.1. Simulation/Role-Play

5. Ethical Design

5.1. Stereotypes

5.1.1. Race

5.1.2. Gender

5.2. Mostly male developers

5.3. Marketing strategies

6. Critical Play

6.1. Harassment

6.2. Demand better games

6.3. Understand design choices

6.4. Games

6.4.1. Cultural artifacts

6.5. Choice

7. Play Characteristics

7.1. Interactive

7.2. Voluntary

7.3. Not ordinary

7.4. Engaging

7.5. It has a beginning

7.5.1. and an end

7.6. Has rules

7.6.1. Paidea

7.6.2. Ludus

7.7. Community

7.8. Challenge