Aspects of school culture

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Aspects of school culture por Mind Map: Aspects of school culture

1. Students

1.1. DP

1.1.1. 1st year

1.1.2. 2nd year

1.2. MYP/middle school

2. Staff

2.1. new

2.2. returning

2.3. management

2.3.1. department heads

2.3.2. TOK coordinator

2.3.3. CAS coordinator

2.3.4. EE coordinator

3. Approaches to learning

3.1. research skills

3.2. communication skills

3.3. self-management skills

3.4. social skills

3.5. thinking skills

4. Approaches to teaching

4.1. differentiated

4.2. global/local contexts

4.3. inquiry

4.4. concepts

4.5. collaboration

4.6. assessment

5. communication

6. social skills

7. Systems

7.1. faculties/departments

7.2. year groups

7.3. quality control

7.4. professional development

8. parents

8.1. PTA

8.2. Parents of students

8.3. Board of Governors

9. inquiry