Name, Grade, Location and What would you like to learn in this class?

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Name, Grade, Location and What would you like to learn in this class? por Mind Map: Name, Grade, Location and What would you like to learn in this class?

1. Lynette Schweers-6th Grade-Kuemper Middle School-I would like to learn about the Google Chrome Apps and be comfortable with my Chrome Book.

2. Diane Boes - 2nd grade- Kuemper-need to learn how to do google chrome -without messing up

3. Susan Happe, first grade, learn to use my own chrome computer

4. Amy Overmohle Opt. k. KCSS-would like to learn how to use apps and what chrome is all about.

4.1. Lynette Schweers

5. Cheryl Smith first kcss learn anything about the apps.

6. Janet Muhlbauer from KHS here in Carroll where I teach high school mathematics and I hope to learn how to get around in Google Chrome because I'm finding that it looks different in different environments and I can't find stuff!!!! annoying...

7. Tim Austin, 7th science at Carroll Middle School, would like to learn google chrome "stuff"

8. Denise Young, Birth to 21 Assistive Technology Consultant from Green Hills AEA. Want to learn more about Google Chrome and Chrome Books so I can support the schools I serve who are using Chrome.

9. Pam Austin, 6-12 At-Risk at Ar-We-Va, would like to learn anything!

10. Lisa Kirsch, 6-10 Math at Ar-We-Va, How to apply various apps to my classroom

11. Kristin McKee, Spanish, Ft. Dodge, I'd like to learn to navigate Google Chrome Drive/Docs in order to feel more comfortable with Chrome, and be able to use it more efficiently.

12. Nancy Peterman, 7-12 Kuemper. I would like to become more familiar with the chromebook and using chrome browser.