Ways in which resistance was demonstrated by Jewish victims and non-Jewish allies

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Ways in which resistance was demonstrated by Jewish victims and non-Jewish allies por Mind Map: Ways in which resistance was demonstrated by Jewish victims and non-Jewish allies

1. Jewish Resistance

1.1. Auschwitz 1944

1.1.1. Ella Gartner Smuggled gunpowder into the camp from munition factory that she worked at

1.1.2. Roza Robota Helped organize resistance efforts at the camp

1.2. Treblinka

1.2.1. August 1943 Small groups of Jews revolted Killed guards, stormed camp, broke out

1.3. Sobibor

1.3.1. October 1943 About 300 prisoners escaped Those that were never found and killed continued to fight until the end of the war.

2. Non-Jewish allies

2.1. Rescuers would hide Jews in their own homes.

2.2. Non-Jewish allies helped Jews escape to neutral countries

2.3. Alfred Wetzler, Walter Rosenberg, and Rabbi Weissmandel

2.3.1. Weissmandel recorded all the details of Alfred and Walters Escape, and the brutalities of the concentration camps He warned the Hungarian Jews of the camps Weissmandel urged them to resist, fight back, and not get on the trains to Auschwitz.

2.3.2. Weissmandel urged the Jews of the free world to pressure the allies into bombing the railroad tracks. His message was received by the War refugee board. This organization was designed to help aid Jews. In the end, the allies would refuse to bomb the railroad tracks.