Racist Ideology

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Racist Ideology por Mind Map: Racist Ideology

1. Nuremberg Laws

1.1. Deprived Jews of their rights of citizenship

1.2. Made it illegal to marry between Jews and non Jews

1.3. First public Government step towards blaming Jews

2. The Final Solution

2.1. Was made after Hitler realized that getting rid of all Jews with the use of ghettos would take too long

2.2. A program of genocide made by Hitler

2.3. Nazi troops swept across Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, rounding up Jews

3. Kristallnacht

3.1. Night of Broken Glass

3.2. 100 Jews killed

3.3. Nazis stormed Jewish businesses, synagogues, houses

3.4. Violent attack launched by Nazis once Nuremberg Laws were passed which allowed this terrorism to occur

4. Ghettoes

4.1. Used once Hitler realized he couldn't get rid of all Jews through emigration

4.2. A ghetto was an overcrowded Jewish area

4.3. Jews were put in this to either starve to death or die from disease