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Gamafication por Mind Map: Gamafication

1. Players

1.1. Types of players

1.1.1. Explorers Enjoy the opportunities to delve into the game and experience the new things it has to offer.

1.1.2. Socializers They seek to empathize with other people when they interact actively in a debate.

1.1.3. Thinkers Seek to develop their learning by means of puzzles to challenge themselves with their intellect.

1.1.4. Philanthropists They are driven by a purpose to help others and feel proud of themselves for the help they have given.

2. Characterics

2.1. Active participation on the part of students

2.2. Healthy and proactive competition among students

2.3. Stimulates learning through games by acquiring knowledge during the lesson

3. Gamification evaluation

3.1. In order to know if the learning objective has been met through gamification, the evaluation process is fundamental. in order to know its process.

3.2. One way to know the learning process of the students is through formative evaluation, which is very common among teachers, but to maintain interest in making general corrections so that they can see their mistakes and correct them.

4. Elements to consider

4.1. Set an academic objective

4.2. Provide non-academic-related points as motivation for students.

4.3. Using innovative platforms and applications for student learning, such as

4.3.1. Kahoot

4.3.2. Khan Academy

4.3.3. Quizlet

4.3.4. Duolingo

4.4. Reflecting on customized performance

5. References:

5.1. Camacho G. (2020). TEFL methodology and didactics. Ediloja Cía Ltda, 41-44.

5.2. Buljan, M. (2021, 29 noviembre). Gamification for Learning: Strategies and Examples. eLearning Industry.

5.3. Video conferencing, web conferencing, webinars, screen sharing. (s. f.). Zoom.

6. Gamification is a process where games are used as a learning tool for students in order to reinforce knowledge and motivation in the educational environment.