American Politics

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American Politics por Mind Map: American Politics

1. 1. View this mind map

2. 2. Be able to discuss the typical stances of democrats and republicans on each issue

3. Social Issues

3.1. Gay Marriage

3.2. Civil Rights

3.3. Religion in schools

3.4. Gun rights

3.5. Abortion

4. Money/taxes

4.1. Welfare

4.1.1. Food Stamps

4.2. Trickle down effects

4.3. Class divisions

4.3.1. Upper

4.3.2. Middle

4.3.3. Working

4.4. Tax breaks

4.5. Government Bailouts

5. Culture

5.1. Women in power

5.2. diversity

5.3. religion

5.4. environment

5.5. education

5.6. crime