Social Studies 8 WORLD VIEWS

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Social Studies 8 WORLD VIEWS por Mind Map: Social Studies 8 WORLD VIEWS

1. In what ways were the Age of Discovery and the rise of imperialism expressions of an expansionist worldview?

1.1. What is the Age of Discovery?

1.2. When was the Age of Discovery?

1.3. Who was involved with the Age of Discovery?

1.4. What is imperialism?

1.4.1. HIstorical examples

1.4.2. Modern day examples

1.5. What is an expansionist worldview?

1.5.1. What is expansionism?

2. In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance?

3. Verb - Analyze

4. Elements of Worldviews

4.1. The good life: goals you strive for

4.2. Human nature: naturally good vs. naturally bad

4.3. Equality with others: Social Hierarchy

4.4. Responsibilities to others: Care for others or care for yourself

4.5. Relationship between the individual and the state: Collective rights and individual rights

4.6. Relationship with nature: Respect for nature

4.7. Sources of ethical wisdom: Religion, Science or Natural rights

5. Intercultural Contact

5.1. How these views are expressed by people living in different times and different places

6. Historical Thinking Skills

6.1. Past Societies

6.1.1. General Outcome 8.1 From Isolation to Adaptation: Japan Students EXAMINE Japanese history and DEMONSTRATE an understanding and appreciation of the ways in which beliefs, values and knowledge shape worldviews and contribute to a society’s isolation or adaptation. What the Curriculum says Concepts: Need to know about Japanese Edo Period and Meiji Period (Soc. St 8.1) Skills: Be able to DO Topics or Context: Big Idea: Essential Questions:

6.1.2. 8.2 Origins of a Western Worldview: Renaissance Europe Through an examination of Renaissance Europe, students will DEMONSTRATE an understanding and appreciation of how the exchange of ideas and knowledge contributed to shaping the worldview of the Western world. What the Curriculum says Concepts: Need to know about the Renaissance Period (Soc St 8.2) Skills - Be able to DO: Topics or Context: Big Idea: Essential Questions:

6.1.3. 8.3 Worldviews in Conflict: The Spanish and the Aztecs Through an examination of Spanish and Aztec societies, students will DEMONSTRATE an understanding and appreciation of how intercultural contact affects the worldviews of societies. What the curriculum says Concepts: Need to know about Skills: Be able to DO Topics or Context: Big Ideas: Essential Questions:

7. Self Reflection

7.1. Personal Worldview

7.2. Influences from Past Affecting the present

8. Current Events