Fargo Abortion Controversy 1981-1983

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Fargo Abortion Controversy 1981-1983 por Mind Map: Fargo Abortion Controversy             1981-1983

1. Pro Choice

1.1. Availability of abortion represented: intrusion of secularism, narcissism, materialism, anomie, reshaping of women into structural men.

1.2. 21 life stories

1.3. 2 groups born in 1920's and 1950's

1.3.1. Two groups were groups that had left the work force to have children.

2. Pro life

2.1. Saw right-to-life protesters as the forces of narrow minded intolerance who deny women the choice seen as a fundamental woman's right to freedom

2.2. mostly women born in 1940's

2.2.1. Women who went through the waves of feminize that shaped their views of life from motherhood to something more.

2.3. 14 life stories

3. This Study....

3.1. Looks into 3 areas of cultural and social meaning

3.1.1. Of Gender

3.1.2. Sexuality

3.1.3. Reproduction

3.2. Shows that these are many different aspects to the idea that we have of gender roles.

3.3. That many aspects can affect a women in her decisions about women's rights

3.3.1. Age and time period they had kids

3.3.2. Religious beliefs

3.3.3. Time they were born and age when they went through feminist movements

3.3.4. Work history left work before they had kids Planned to work