chapter 6 & 7

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chapter 6 & 7 por Mind Map: chapter 6 & 7

1. sacanagem

1.1. "aggression and hostility, play and amusement, sexual excitement and erotic practice."

1.2. men request it while women tend to be more ambivalent.

2. whats so funny about rape

2.1. authorities

2.1.1. case would be dismissed if it was someone of lower class status, race and economic status.

2.1.2. difficult to adjudicate because of rooted stereotypes and disagreements within men and women.

2.1.3. best form of defense is finding a male in the family that can protect the victim.

2.2. black humor

2.2.1. is sometimes the only hope in order to carry on

2.2.2. originate in the classes with such limited options

3. carnivalization of desire

3.1. permissive and celebratory

3.1.1. engaging in sexual talk is normal

3.1.2. elders express desire in sex

3.1.3. sexual teasing is common

3.2. bodily liberation

3.2.1. body language

3.2.2. dress

3.2.3. flirtation

3.2.4. sexual access

3.2.5. need of attention from opp. sex

3.2.6. using seductive abilities to gain something

3.3. local sexual culture

3.3.1. men=eaters. women=givers.

3.3.2. the resources brought in by men are exchanged by sex within poor women.

3.3.3. men seen as not trustable and unfair with division of resources among the family

3.3.4. age of consent in Brazil is 14 although government said may change to 12

3.4. boys to men

3.4.1. unhealthy for men to go on too long without sex=insanity

3.4.2. mother encourages 18 year old son to the prostitution zone to lose his virginity