Create Products & Services for Every Stage of Client Development

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Create Products & Services for Every Stage of Client Development por Mind Map: Create Products & Services for Every Stage of Client Development

1. Created by Dave Rothacker for Service Nation Alliance members.

2. Market Offers by Stage -see attached notes

2.1. Suspects

2.2. Prospects

2.3. Premium clients

2.4. Champions

3. Create New Services & Products - see attached notes

3.1. Service to product

3.2. Extend a product

3.3. Package your knowledge

3.4. Bundle & package

3.5. Offer levels of service

3.6. License your knowledge

3.7. Write a book

4. Price is a function of value. Most small businesses under price their offerings.

5. Client Stage

5.1. Suspects

5.2. Prospects

5.3. Clients

5.4. Repeat Clients

5.5. Champions

6. Marketing Funnel Touchpoints (open note here)

6.1. Know

6.2. Like

6.3. Trust

6.4. Try

6.5. Buy

6.6. Refer