Relentless Solution Focus Mindset

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Relentless Solution Focus Mindset por Mind Map: Relentless Solution Focus Mindset

1. Focus on Solutions vs Problems

1.1. Health increase

2. Improvement is our goal

2.1. Vision + Integrity

2.1.1. Long vision

2.1.2. Short vision

2.2. Reject the perfectionist mentality

2.3. Control how you react to adversity

2.4. Break the problem into smaller pieces

3. Mental toughness

3.1. Personal

3.2. Professional

4. ideally within 60 seconds

5. Three steps to developing RSF

5.1. recognize when your thoughts are being dominated by negativity

5.2. replace problem-centric thoughts with solution-focused thinking

5.3. retrain your mind using daily mental workouts