Exercising for health is a myth. Do you agree?

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Exercising for health is a myth. Do you agree? por Mind Map: Exercising for health is a myth. Do you agree?

1. No.

1.1. Controls weight

1.1.1. Mantains weight loss and we don't gain weight Contestants from 'The Biggest Loser' lost some weight after exercising.

1.1.2. Burns the calories and fats in our body Do a slow jog,lose some fats in our body

2. No.

2.1. Lowers the risk of getting ill/sick

2.1.1. Keeps your blood flowing smoothly Most people who exercise don't fall sick or get diseases easily.

3. No.

3.1. Promotes better sleep

3.1.1. Helps us fall asleep faster and deepen our sleep After doing exercise, feel tired, sleep easier.If you exercise close to bedtime, you will be awake to fall asleep.