7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization por Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Social Structure

1.1. Egypt:

1.1.1. Social Classes (Higher level jobs)

1.1.2. The third spot from the top of the pyramid belonged to the soliders

1.1.3. At the bottom of the social pyramid are slaves and farmers.

1.1.4. Below the Pharaoh on the social pyramid were nobles and priests,

1.2. Huang He:

1.2.1. At the top of each village was military leaders.

1.2.2. The king had the power to remove them whenever he wanted.

1.2.3. Gender Roles

1.2.4. The king was at the top of the social pyramid.

2. Economy and Trade

2.1. Egypt:

2.1.1. Nubians who weren't in charge were either slave workers and servants

2.1.2. Nubians were expert traders and skilled makers of pottery.

2.1.3. Agriculture created most of Egypts wealth

2.1.4. What was left after landlords and tax-collectors had taken their share, could be sold by barter on the free market either directly to consumers or to professional traders

2.2. Huang He:

2.2.1. In the city men had all the authority in all families

2.2.2. The economy focused on day to day agriculture

2.2.3. People of Huang He would travel the silk road for trading purposes

2.2.4. Because of Huang He's large economy they not only focused on planting vegetation they also focused on iron works such as armor, weapons, and farming tools

3. Geography and Agriculture

3.1. Indus Valley

3.1.1. The Indus River flows across the northwest edge of the Indian subcontinent

3.1.2. In the far north are the Himalaya and Hindu Kush mountain systems, and in the south is the Deccan Plateau

3.1.3. Between the mountains and plateau is the Northern Plains

3.1.4. Flood deposits from three rivers-Indus, Ganges,Brahmaputra-make the soil very fertile

3.1.5. Heavy rains also add to the fetility of the soil- Much of this rain is brought by monsoons

3.2. Tigris Euphrates

3.2.1. Flat, swampy region was great for agriculture

3.2.2. Tigris and Euphrates rivers often flooded there in the spring-the floods left behind a fertile mud called silt which enriched the soil

3.2.3. Farming in southern Mesopotamia was difficult because the region recieved little rain

3.2.4. Water levels in the Tigris and Euphrates depended on rainfall and snowmelt in distant mountains

4. Religion

4.1. Indus Valley

4.1.1. They believed in some kind of tree of life, depicted usually in the seals as a Pipal or Acasia tree, defended by a guardian spirit against evil forces symbolized often as a tiger. The guardian spirit is depicted variously as a bull, a snake, a goat, a mythical creature or animal.

4.1.2. They were familiar with some form of yoga and meditation.

4.1.3. They mostly cremated the dead and made them offerings for their use in their after life.

4.1.4. The great bath of Mohenzodaro was probably a proto type Kovil or sacred tank found mostly in the ancient temples of southern India, where people might have performed some form of ritual baths on important occasions.

5. Arts and Education

5.1. Indus Valley

5.1.1. Produced many statulets made out of granite

5.1.2. Created many seals that depict realistic animals alongside the writing

5.1.3. In cities many people specialized in pottery, metalwork, and jewelry

5.1.4. Education was oral and writing was done on bark and sometimes leaves

5.2. Tigris Euphrates

5.2.1. Sumerian writing is called cuneiform- to produce this writing Sumerians used sharp tools called styluses to make wedge-shaped symbols on clay tablets

5.2.2. Sumerians first used cuneiform to keep buisness accounts and other records-later they wrote works on law and grammer as well as works of literature, such as stories, poems and songs

5.2.3. Sumerians paid scribes to create written documents, but becoming a scribe required years of schooling

5.2.4. Their architecture includes the use of arches, ramps, and columns

5.2.5. Their sculptures includes statues with large, wide-open eyes, as well as small objects carved out of ivory

6. Science and Technology

6.1. Indus Valley

6.1.1. .........

7. Government and Leaders

7.1. Egypt:

7.1.1. The pharaoh would appoint supervisors to take certain responsibilities

7.1.2. Below the pharaoh there was 2 powerful groups such as nobles and priests

7.1.3. The pharaoh would collect taxes from farmers and store it in his warehouse

7.1.4. Nubians entrusted their pharaoh as with rules and responsibilities

7.1.5. Huang He:

7.2. Huang He

7.2.1. The Shang king ruled from the capital the city Anyang

7.2.2. The king divided his kingdom into 2 different territories and 2 warlords ruled the 2 different territories

7.2.3. The king had the power to change leaders when he pleased