Planning for Student Engagement

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Planning for Student Engagement por Mind Map: Planning for Student Engagement

1. Integrating the Arts

1.1. Almost all students get excited for hands on projects where they can express creativity

1.2. I feel that the arts are a great way to keep students engaged as well.

2. Presentation and Performance

2.1. Have students create work that will be presented to a larger audience. You will get much better results.

2.2. A lot of students will work harder when they know they must present to other people.

3. Integrating Technology

3.1. Allows more students to stay engaged and excited about learning.

3.2. I love the use of technology in classrooms. I feel every student gets excited to learn when they get to use new technology.

4. Authentic Learning

4.1. Learning that is meaningful to the outside world. Give reasons for why everything is being taught

4.2. I feel it is very important to get the community involved. This lets the students gain a deeper understanding.

5. Inquiry

5.1. Let students discover things on their own.

5.2. I feel that by allowing students to discover new ideas on their own allows them a sense of responsibility for their own learning.

6. Collaboration

6.1. Create a way to stay in touch with other teachers and organizations

6.2. I feel it is very important to keep in touch with everyone. This helps keep you as up to date as possible.