Considerations for the Evaluation of Innovative Ideas & Business Development Adapted from Diego ...

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Considerations for the Evaluation of Innovative Ideas & Business Development Adapted from Diego Rodriguez, 2009 por Mind Map: Considerations for the Evaluation of Innovative Ideas & Business Development  Adapted from Diego Rodriguez, 2009

1. Evaluation & Filter

1.1. Develop a taste for the many flavors of innovation

1.2. Most new ideas aren't

1.3. Killing ideas is a good idea

2. Process & Approach

2.1. Baby steps often lead to big leaps

2.2. Everyone needs time to innovate

2.3. Instead of managing, try cultivating

2.4. Do everything right, and you'll still fail

2.4.1. Failure sucks, but instructs

2.4.2. Celebrate errors of commission. Stamp out errors of omission.

3. Experience & Expertise

3.1. Live life at the intersection

3.2. Team makeup and composition

3.3. It's not the years, it's the mileage

4. Idea Development

4.1. Experience the world instead of talking about experiencing the world

4.2. See and hear with the mind of a child

4.3. Always ask: "How do we want people to feel after they experience this?"

5. Developing the Idea

5.1. Prototype as if you are right. Listen as if you are wrong.

5.2. Anything can be prototyped. You can prototype with anything.