Gathering, Analyzing, and Curating

Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Gathering, Analyzing, and Curating por Mind Map: Gathering, Analyzing, and Curating

1. Activity 1: Pre-Search with Planning Map

1.1. 1. Complete your planning map with topics identified for each member to research

1.2. 2. Circle key (most important) terms for each topic

2. Activity 2: Preparing Your Diigo Tool

2.1. 1. Your team should work on one computer to complete Activities 2 and 3

2.2. 2. Make sure your Bookmark Toolbar is visible (if not add under View)

2.3. 3. Click on the Diigolet button on the Bookmark Toolbar

2.4. 4. Sign-in with one member's username and password

2.5. 5. Be sure to write your username and password down so you can take it home to use

3. Activity 3: Pre-Search with Wikipedia

3.1. 1. Take one member's topic and look up key word/phrase in Wikipedia

3.2. 2. Bookmark the Wikipedia site to your group. Tag it with the key terms/phrases.

3.3. 3. Complete this process for each member.

4. Activity 5: Curate First Articles

4.1. 1. Each member at his own computer will skim his Wikipedia entry and find a relevant footnote.

4.2. 2. Bookmark the footnoted source; add a Personal Annotation, Tags, and save it in your group.

4.3. 3. You are all set down to add your other required Web source.

4.4. 4. For your book source, search for the book online and then bookmark it to your group.