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Genres of films por Mind Map: Genres of films

1. Comedy

1.1. Types

1.1.1. Comedy of manners

1.1.2. Fish out of water comedy film

1.1.3. Parody film

1.1.4. Black comedy

1.1.5. Romantic comedy film

1.2. Hybrid genres

1.2.1. Action comedy

1.2.2. Comedy horror

1.2.3. Fantasy comedy

1.2.4. Sci-fi comedy

1.2.5. Military comedy

2. Detective fiction

2.1. Phycological detective

2.2. Historical detective

2.3. Fantastic detective

2.4. Spy detective

2.5. Police detective

3. Serial

3.1. Telenovela

3.2. Soap opera

3.3. Miniseries

4. Drama film

4.1. Crime drama

4.2. Historical drama

4.3. Docudrama

4.4. Melodrama

4.5. Tragedy

5. Horror film

6. Musical film

7. Action films

7.1. Action comedy

7.2. Action horror

7.3. Sci-fi action

7.4. Spy film

7.5. Superhero film

8. Documentary film

8.1. National Geographic Channel

8.2. BBC

8.3. History Channel

8.4. Discovery Channel

9. Short film

10. Cartoon

10.1. Theatrical cartoon

10.2. Direct-to-video

10.3. Short cartoon

10.4. Animated series

11. Adventure film