Reforming American Educational System

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Reforming American Educational System por Mind Map: Reforming American Educational System

1. Problem

1.1. Teachers Lacking the Necessary Requirements and Training

1.2. "Developing and implementing comprehensive teacher evaluation from the community by creating a teacher performance primarily to help struggling teachers improve; recognize, retain, and distribute effective teachers out of the profession." (NCLR, 2012, pg.16)

1.3. With the introducing of new technology in the classroom, many older teachers are being challenged with the new concept of teaching that the state is offering. However, many teachers who teach in low poverty areas faces a bigger challenge because their schools do not offer the necessary funding that they need in order to meet the needs of their students.

1.4. With the struggling educational system teachers will need adequate training and support to satisfy their students needs especially those who has learning disabilities. To overcome these problems the state should allow extra funding to low poverty schools and train teachers through seminars that way they will be able to meet the demands and needs of their students.

2. Problem

2.1. Achievement Gap Among Whites and Minorities

2.2. Assessments gap is the leading cause of achievement score between whites and minorities. The focus of assessments is to test the students ability on what they have been taught by their teacher in order to meet a certain goal that determines whether they pass to the next grade or be retained.

2.2.1. A solution to help with the closing of the achievement gap is to allow minorities to receive the extra practice they need in order to achieve the desire goal required by the state.

2.2.2. "In Cleveland, black fourth graders performed 46 percentage points than their white peers on state reading and math tests." (Analysis of State Assessment, 2010, para. 2)

3. Problem

3.1. Lack of Teacher Support

3.2. Teachers today do not have the support that they did 30 to 50 years ago. Today they are facing consequences if their students parents are not satisfied with their child improvement and even demotion or the risk of being fired if they do not satisfy the requirements of the state.

3.3. "And in 59 percent of diverse districts around the country, the Department of Education found, teachers in schools serving more Latino and African American students are being paid significantly less than teachers in schools with fewer students of color." (Education Department and Publications, 2011, para. 2)

3.4. In order to solve this problems school districts need to treat teachers equally because some teachers believe might feel as though a little pay means little work. With the lack of pay among teachers, this will cause a shortage of teachers in the classrooms. "A survey of 22,000 teachers found a sense of frustration in the classroom, both over "the lack of support they receive from parents," and over a feeling of "powerlessness in teaching." (AP, 1988, para. 3&4)